How quality programs are consolidated at Samo
Quality Throughout Time
The Industrial Revolution and WWII were pivotal in shaping the industries on the needs and expectations demanded from the market in relation to quality. Thus, as the years went by, the act of selling a product/service was reframed, since in addition to meeting the demand and delivering on time, it became essential for the organizations to seek high quality levels in their products/services.
Quality Culture: Focus on Zero Defect
In the subsequent years, several advances and studies were developed related to the search for a high level of quality, emphasizing the term Zero Defect coined by Philip Crosby in 1970. This term states that the absence of defects must be the performance standard of the management systems, and the key to reaching that target lies in prevention. Crosby also highlights that “quality is free”, and therefore, the processes must guarantee it in the products and services from the beginning, without an additional cost to it. Zero Defeito criado por Philip Crosby em 1970. Este termo afirma que a ausência de defeitos deve ser o padrão de desempenho dos sistemas de gestão, e a chave para alcançar essa meta está na prevenção. Crosby também destaca que a “qualidade é gratuita”, portanto, os processos devem garanti-la nos produtos e serviços desde o princípio, sem haver um custo adicional.
In that context, the market demands raised the quality bar. Companies in the 21st century that are able to join their technical knowledge on that standard with the industrial practices are regarded as benchmark (adjective to praise those companies that are sources of inspiration) and thus, become globally renowned for their high level of quality. benchmark (adjetivo para enaltecer estas empresas que são fontes de inspiração) e, assim, tornam-se reconhecidas mundialmente pelo alto nível de qualidade.
For SAMOT, quality is a synonym of culture, and therefore, with the purpose of guiding and ensuring the continuous improvement of our processes, we have defined the 5 Pillars of Quality, which are explained in the following topics: cultura, por conseguinte, com o objetivo de nortear e garantir a melhoria contínua de nossos processos definimos os 5 Pilares da Qualidade, segue nos tópicos abaixo:
● Client Satisfaction: It has the assumption of meeting and exceeding the clients’ expectations, seeking operational excellence, focusing on Zero Defects, treating any quality deviations within the established deadlines, using the appropriate tools and defined systems in order to eliminate its root cause.
● Do it Right the First Time: This means not receiving, not producing, and not providing quality issues. In other words, it means that since the development of the product: using reliable and calibrated Measuring Systems, and treating the deviations at the source, since non-compliant material is not welcome!
● Standardized Work: Establish, develop procedures, and follow the best method for each activity, including preventive and predictive maintenance, training all their employees that take part of the process so that they follow all established parameters.
● Discipline, Responsibility and Transparency: It emphasizes the importance of DISCIPLINE, RESPONSIBILITY and TRANSPARENCY to comply with all standards and routines defined in all treaties.
• Yokoten: It has the purpose of sharing information and knowledge throughout the organization, using Lessons Learned as a preparation for the quality and feedback to the process, according to the PDCA cycle.