Benefits of Aluminum Extrusion
Used in several industrial sectors, aluminum is a material with excellent physical-chemical properties, such as:
• High plastic deformation to relatively low temperature;
• Considerably lower density in relation to steel and copper alloys;
• Good electric and thermal conductivity;
• High resistance to corrosion in many aggressive environments when compared to other metals;
• It presents good mechanical properties in many alloys through thermal treatment, with good natural appearance, among different other capabilities.
With all these benefits, aluminum is an extremely versatile metal in the mechanical transformation process of extrusion. In the extrusion process, the aluminum billet is pre-heated and pressed through a piston against the orifice of a matrix that will give the shape of the extruded product.
Some previous steps must be maintained under control to ensure the characteristics desired in the final use of the extruded product, such as: chemical composition, quality of billet, thermal homogenization treatment, billet temperature control, design, preparation and proper heating of the matrix. Check the illustration below:
Hardening the extruded aluminum is the process for heating and cooling control, combined or not with the cold deformation Steps to achieve the desired mechanical property.
The emerging temperature (aluminum temperature at the matrix outlet) control and the extrusion speed are the primordial parameters for thermal treatment, surface finishing and, also, product dimension finishing, which must be adjusted for each hardening alloy worked.
As exposed, aluminum is an extremely versatile material, widely used in different segments. In this way, companies that have the extrusion process offer higher added value to their clients, delivering quality product with great variety of geometry.
Advantages of having your own extrusion process
• Versatility and agility in the production of extruded aluminum alloy products;
• Better control and adaptation to the production needs;
• Agility in the development of products that meet the clients’ needs;
• Product compliant with quality, environmental and safety standards and that meet the clients’ needs.
The Samot Group has its own tools and metrologies and partnership with tools and thermal treatment manufacturers, and this versatility ensures us the capacity of producing, controlling and correcting rebar matrices with solid and tubular profiles according to the specific need from each client.